
T. Ayyappan

Auroville Earth Institute

T. Ayyappan is the co-director, senior masonry technician and faculty member of the Auroville Earth Institute. An Indian national born in Edayachavadi, Tamil Nadu, India, Ayyappan followed a standard education in his village and partnered at an early age with Satprem Maïni in the founding of the centre in 1989. Since then, he has acquired many years of practical experience as a draftsman, site supervisor, researcher and trainer. He has supervised constructions across India and abroad. As head faculty at the Earth Institute, he is in charge of AVEI practical courses. He also supervises long term trainees and interns for their work in design, development and research initiatives. His skill and dedication -- along with Satprem's -- has made the Earth Institute what it is today.

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